I don't get why people blame Suzanne, I see why you could, but it doesn't make sense if you look deeper.
1) Humps put her in that mental state as he wanted her to fight, and allowed her to beat up her ex, despite her not being at all interested. Suzanne was dazed coming up to the protest because of this.
2) Piscatella ended a peaceful protest with violence to protect himself. This action had obvious consequences and would obviously lead to violence back from the prisoners.
3)Suzanne had PTSD from the fight as shown by her panic when they started to lift inmates.
4) Poussey chose to help Suzanne. That's who Poussey was, a kind, considerate, helpful friend and she was looking after Suzanne as she clearly heard Piscatella wanted her to be sent to psych.
5) Bayley panicked when Poussey did nothing to suggest hostility. She only talked in a normal tone and he placed her on the ground. She only was trying to protect Suzanne, whom Bayley had seen in a fight orchastrated by Humps. Therefore, he would know why she was reacting like that during the protest. Yet, he still went through with Piscatella's orders to send her to PSYCH
6) Suzanne tried to save her, like anyone would. Suzanne had PTSD as mentioned and obviously didn't want one of her bestfriends being hurt like Maureen, especially after seeing how evil the guards had been. But Seriously, if you were Suzanne would you really sit and watch your friend being held down? No. Most people would try and save her, how could Suzanne know that that would've distracted Bayley.
7) Bayley is ultimately the cause of her death, but it is not purely his fault. The bigger bad is MCC and Piscatella
8) MCC refused to train the guards properly and this led to Bayley being horrible at his job. Bayley should not have held Poussey that way.
9) Bayley wasn't trained but even without training, holding someone facedown to the ground, with your knee on their neck is a bit dangerous. It is somewhat justified by the stress of the situation once again.
10)Piscatella was trained and had years of experience, but once again made a stupid a dangerous decision. He also let Humphrey stay and so knew of the situation that he caused for Suzanne. Yet, he still immediately ordered Suzanne to be sent to PSYCH despite her not harming anybody when she was in the cafeteria. He would have known about her PTSD and why she would be this way but he still took it to dramatics.
Humphrey is the cause of Poussey's death.
Suzanne is not a cause, she was a consequence of Humps' actions, and so that puts more blame on him. Also, Suzanne felt really sad over Poussey's death. She wanted to feel like Poussey, suffocating herself with books to try understand
Piscatella indirectly caused it, but still knew what he could've been potentially doing
Bayley wasn't trained, and his reactions and decisions during the protest were stupid and against common sense, as well as hypocritical to his previous morals. Yet, I can place less blame on him as the stress of the situation may've affected him
Anyways, share your opinions below :)